Frequent questions

How often must the lever bearings be greased?

we recommend greasing the lever bearings every 90 hours of use.

Will the DURA mechanics linkage kit eliminate all rear suspension play?

the games that the DURA mechanics kit will eliminate are those of the linkages (connecting rods / triangle). The play due to the single shock absorber and the swingarm will remain as before the assembly of the kit.

am I able to mount the linkage kit myself?

if you have a minimum of manual skills and if you have the equipment as specified below you will be able to disassemble and reassemble the levers without any problem. If in doubt contact us, we will be happy to help you.

what kind of equipment is needed to install the linkage kit?

the lever kit contains some accessories that will facilitate installation. However you need to have a good bench vise or, alternatively, a small press. Finally, you will need a socket wrench or an appropriately sized metal tube to take out and reinsert the bearings.

if during the assembly of the kit I have to damage a grease guard or a bearing, what should I do?

if during the assembly you have to damage a grease guard or a bearing we suggest you contact us immediately: we will tell you how to behave.

Will the heavy duty pump make clutch operation less tiring?

the DURA mechanics pump is designed to last and pedal operation will require the same effort as the original pump.

What type of fluid should I fill the heavy duty pump with?

the heavy duty pump requires the same type of fluid as the original pump. A good quality DOT4 fluid (or DOT3 if DOT4 is not available) is what is needed.

I noticed that the fluid I filled the heavy duty pump with turned black.

the fluid can become darker for various reasons: aging is undoubtedly the most important but it is possible that the material with which the piston guide rings are made colors the fluid. This is not a sign of pump malfunction but is a natural consequence of its use.

I cannot properly bleed the clutch hydraulic circuit.

since the pump has been assembled using specific grease it may happen that the holes through which the hydraulic fluid flows are slightly blocked by the grease itself. Therefore, a little patience and repeated pumping movements are required for the fluid to dissolve all the fat.

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